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October 31, 2012

An exciting new journey :)

Suddenly, existing relationships seem to fade a bit, and a sober and suave good bye comes up from within, never sad or forlorn, but with a sense of "these things are no longer relevant to me", I am going to join my friends, and spouse! I am an old man in the evening of his long life and kids now have their own kids and squabbles, my spouse has already gone to prepare the road for me, my friends are gone and the days now resemble a long wait at the terminal with the boarding pass secure. Suddenly, I am irrelevant in the younger world, a little out of place. I have no more role here to play, I surmise. My job is done, they have their own circles and I feel the silent urge to go the way my beloved ones have gone. I can see my spouse smiling reassuringly, like a guardian angel, I sometimes think of my mother and father, who would be there, and the child hood memories with my mother and father as their pampered kid spring up, sepia toned sweet memories. That enlivens me, that I would meet them soon. My days with my wife as a young man sometimes comes up and life without her makes me pine to meet her again, where she is...... I look at my children, middle aged men themselves, with furrows of life peeping up on their brows, caught up in their cycle and worries, oblivious to what goes on in this old man's mind. nevertheless, they are kids to me, kids that puked in my arms, kids I love any way. I see they can manage by themselves. I see they no longer need me. I see their mother's trail. I must now, follow her as she did all her life. Good bye my darling children, I whisper silently, God Bless you! I have done my job...... I close my eyes in the satisfaction that there is nothing more to be done, and that I am excited to meet my beloved ones.... It's an exciting new journey..... :)The end is not a sudden jerk. It's rather a gradual flowering of a new stage. But why have my eyes welled up as I type? I am still human, I suppose! <3


Sivasubramanian perinkulam said...

Soora, no doubt this is well written and no surprise for me.
But at your age, you should write only about life, how to live it, how to enrich it (in your case by selecting a suitable life partner ) and about quitting.

Live long and live well (with your wife and children, of course)

Sivasubramanian perinkulam said...

Soora, write about life and not about quitting it. You'r a blessed writer+

Sivasubramanian perinkulam said...

Soora, no doubt this is well written and no surprise for me.
But at your age, you should write only about life, how to live it, how to enrich it (in your case by selecting a suitable life partner ) and about quitting.

Live long and live well (with your wife and children, of course)